The Science


The Science behind the Learned Distress® Removal Process

The Learned Distress Removal Process is based on more than 20 years of scientific research into why humans don’t feel good. This research explored how the human brain develops and how human energy behaves, according to the laws of physics. The original name of this work was the Quanta Change Process.

Many years before the concept of applying quantum physics to human energy became known in popular media, this research looked at how the energy that makes up a human “quanta”—or bundle of energy particles, as defined by physics—would have to obey the laws that physicists say govern the behavior of all energy.

It turns out that three laws of physics govern how we develop as human quanta, how we absorb and store negative feelings (called Learned Distress), and how our brains use those stored feelings to generate the negative situations in our lives.

The last phase of research uncovered a way to permanently remove layers of this negative feeling—the Learned Distress Removal Process.

It turns negative feelings into non-renewable energy (like burning a log in a fireplace), so the ashes cannot be used to create heat again. This allows your brain to begin using your core well-being to generate your life for you, instead.


Underlying Principle

The Learned Distress Removal Process makes an important, fundamental distinction: our lives result from the behavior of human energy, rather than resulting from human behavior. In other words, each moment of our lives is generated automatically by the invisible work of our energy—not by what we think or do.

This new understanding of how life works starts with the word “quanta.” As defined by physics, a quanta is a bundle of energy particles (any thing–a rock, a bird, a snowflake). The quanta’s energy particles’ behavior is governed by the laws of physics. The research behind this work began with the question, “Why do people get sick?” It started answering that question by looking at how three laws of physics govern the energy particles that make up human quanta, and therefore, direct how we become ourselves and how our lives work.

Your Life as a Sponge

The law discovered by the Chaos scientists in the 1970’s and 80’s, which governs how we develop into our unique human selves, states that as energy particles come together to become a quanta, these particles are “sensitively dependent upon their initial conditions.” In other words, they are sponges absorbing the conditions around them; what they absorb creates the quanta’s unique form.

The human brain’s sponge-like period is from shortly after conception until about the age of 2 ½. During this time, the brain (and actually the whole body) is a “sensory sponge,” absorbing how those people around it feel about being human. So, our initial conditions are the way everyone around us feels; how they feel is how we will feel about being human. This absorbing time puts into place your sense of self, which stores how you feel about being yourself.


Learned Distress

A sponge has no choice in what it absorbs, and neither does this “sensory self.” The rational brain hasn’t developed yet, so our brains are merely absorbing and feeling, without the ability to filter anything out or to choose what we absorb. When someone around us doesn’t feel good, we absorb that feeling…and we store it as a feeling about ourselves: “There is something wrong with ME being just this way.” This feeling is called Learned Distress.

There is no blame associated with Learned Distress. We absorbed it at a time when we had no choice in the matter. Those around us were just doing their best with the Learned Distress they absorbed through no choice of their own. . .and on back through the generations.

Learned Distress IN, Learned Distress OUT

Ever heard someone say, “Garbage in, garbage out”? This phrase was coined by a computer technician to describe what happens when a computer is given a nonsensical code to process—it puts out nonsensical answers. Sir Isaac Newton described this same principle in his Third Law of Motion: “To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

This law governs how the negative situations of our lives are generated: “Learned Distress in, Learned Distress out.”

Let’s look at each part of this law. First, that absorbing time in early life is the “action.” Learned Distress was headed IN. Then, that feeling heads OUT as our brains use the Learned Distress to generate moments that feel the same way or EQUAL, to the feeling we stored early on. That’s the equal and opposite reaction.

For example, let’s say that you absorbed the feeling that there’s never enough for you. Your brain keeps generating situations in which you feel that there is never enough, whether it’s enough time, money, food, or perhaps attention from other people. This is just the automatic work of energy, generating situations without your conscious input or control.

Computers only generate answers from the code they are given. Likewise, the sensory brain only generates moments from what is stored in the sense of self.

Next, we’ll look at the third law that governs how your energy is renewed and restored.

Burning off Your Learned Distress Permanently

At this point in the research, they started looking at the potential for turning Learned Distress into non-renewable energy. Think of burning a log in a fireplace–once you’ve burned it, you can never use the ashes to produce more heat.

What if you could burn off Learned Distress permanently, so your sensory brain could no longer use it to generate negative situations?

There was an important hurdle, though: your brain’s natural resistance to change. As nerve cells in the brain mature, a myelin sheath forms around them, which creates a physiological wall of resistance to change. And, as your rational brain begins to function around the age of 2 ½, a wall of resistance to change forms around your sense of self. This wall means that you can’t think your way out of your Learned Distress.

Your brain has a good reason for this resistance—it’s protecting your way of surviving, which it customized for you and your surroundings from your sponge-like time early in life. Since your rational brain hadn’t begun to function, your sensory brain didn’t have any way of understanding that it had absorbed this feeling that “there’s something wrong with me,” so it just holds tightly onto what it believes is keeping you alive and well!

To burn off your Learned Distress, your rational, thinking brain has to be out of the way entirely, because the wall of resistance is active when the rational brain is operating. The research first looked at hypnosis and meditation as possible ways to get past this wall, but the rational brain is still available during that time. Sleep is the one time when the rational is shut down entirely, and sleep also has a big bonus—it is when your sense of self recharges. So, all you have to do is tell your brain you want to recharge with your natural well-being, instead of Learned Distress.

That was the next hurdle: how can you give your brain this permission for change when you’re asleep? In the applied research phase, the researchers designed a recorded Sensory Message to do just that, and they started guiding research subjects through what became the Learned Distress Removal Process.

Research subjects began showing the signs of the same repeating cycle of change I guide my clients through every day. They started saying things like:

  • “I’ve done decades of work on myself, but for the first time, I feel better.”
  • “I feel an underlying sense of peace I’ve never felt before.”
  • “I’ve known that I don’t have to be perfect, but for the first time, I feel good enough just as I am.”
  • “I feel like I matter now, and people are treating me differently!”
  • “I’ve struggled with getting stuff done, but now I’m accomplishing things so easily.”

The research concluded that as layers of Learned Distress burn off permanently, your natural sense of well-being expands to take the place of the burned off Learned Distress. More and more, well-being becomes the energy your brain uses to generate your life. Just as you’ve never worked hard to have a bad day, the moments that feel truly good to you just begin to happen automatically.

Sound too good to be true? I certainly thought so the first time I heard about it. Now, I’ve had nearly 20 years to see for myself and through my clients’ experiences that it actually does work that way.

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